Sunday, October 13, 2013

My Story

Hello, my name is Jacqueline

I would like to share some things I know with women of my age group.  If I could help just one other person, I would be satisfied with myself.  I wish I would have known that when I turned forty it would have been the worst decade of my life. My menopause was the root of all my problems.

I will be turning fifty, this November and I finally found peace with myself.  I still have difficult days, but at least when I have stress, the key factor is knowing how to deal with it.  This whole decade, I dealt with loosing a loved one, having life changes, caring for my elderly mother, trying to be a good mother and wife, loosing friends as well as being so sick and tired during it all.  I thought this is how we age.  I never believed my husband, but he told me over and over again, that by fifty, I would have everything all figured out; He was right.

I always had stomach issues with the food I ate as a little girl.  As I entered my forties my issues became worse.  I went in and out of emergencies and doctors’ offices, not finding what my problems were.  I decided to get tested for Gluten.  Thank god I did because I was highly intolerant.  I thought I had celiac, but the tests were negative.  Many people don’t know, but there is a fine line between having the celiac disease and being highly gluten intolerant, which I am.  Lucky I realized that and decided to keep going.

I took a food allergy test and found out that dairy and sugar made very strong reactions in my body, making it feel like there was a constant war in my stomach.  These foods were like invaders to me.  Then I had moderate food groups that I had to be careful with.  I was eating all these foods most of my life, which explained why I was sick all the time.  The process took time and by eliminating foods, I started to feel better.  It took about two years to repair all the damage that was done to my body.  There is so much food out there that I never thought to eat.  I also never thought stress could have such a terrible outcome on my body.  It was so bad that I ended up with acute pancreatitis in a US hospital, while taking care of my mother in Florida.  My body was completely acidic.  My intestinal ph was so imbalanced that I thought I had a heartburn condition for life.  I saw no way out and was so discouraged that I became extremely depressed.  My family was very worried.  I did not want to live anymore.


  • Find cutting edge doctors that don’t give up and look deep to find a solution (not always Medicare)
  • Balance your hormones if you are in menopause or perimenopaause with bio-identical hormones done by a hormone specialist.
  • Get tested if you have indigestion issues with food intolerance test.
  • Change your diet according to results (60% alkaline / 40% acid forming)
  • Detox naturally with food if you do not want to go all out.  Lots of greens.
  • Check your thyroid.  This could be an issue.
  • Get enough sleep to keep cortisol down.  If you have trouble sleeping, get to the root of it with a naturopath or specialist.  Don't mask it with pills.
  • If you suffer from migraines, it could be food, stress, anxiety and hormones.  You can narrow it down, if you have the patience.
  • Acupuncture is a great stress and migraine reliever.
  • Get a colonoscopy after 50 years old to rule out cancer.
  • Keep a journal and record your symptoms.  There is a reason why you feel sick.
  • Check your sugar if you crave sweets with a blood glucose machine.
  • For women, stay away from cosmetics and skincare full of chemicals.  Go to safe and to see the dangers found in these products.  Tau in the west island has a great cosmetic line made from flowers and plants and I love Suzanne Somers’ line, which is toxic free.
  • Buy house-cleaning products with no harsh chemicals.

Finally I can say, I feel great and I plan to continue my search for aging healthy and loving life in a way I never thought I would.  

My life begins at 50.


  1. Thank you for your post. Your story mirrors mine in many ways, except it was a diagnosis of breast cancer that finally woke me up. I am in treatment (no to chemo and radiation) and have read Suzanne's books. This empowered me in my treatment and created the incentive I needed to make positive, healthier life changes. Still a work in process, so I appreciate your openly sharing your journey. Inspiring!

  2. i am still in my process (2 years now) and have been poked...prodded...tested and $1000 of dollars later. I was shocked that my tests showed I was deficient in everything...I mean everything! Shocked because I changed my life style 10 years ago because I was tired of trying to quit smoking. I eat organically, do hot yoga, am active, ride my motorcycle...basically am enjoying my life. Two years ago I started gain weight that I couldn't lose....lost energy and my cycle went totally off. I picked up SS books and agreed that at 45 I was way too young to accept this as my "time of life" as per my GP. So I started my search; found a compounding pharmacy, found a MD that specializes in women's issues and access to nutritionists, naturopath, Holistic experts. I went on IV therapy for my deficiencies, detoxes, hormone therapy etc. There are so many contradictions in the therapies I've been on and I am starting to feel that they are making a killing on women like me. One the one hand my metabolism is at a crawl and I have leaky gut (explaining why I can't get my nutrients from food) on the other hand I am taking all kinds of supplements, hormone creams etc. I just finished a yeast detox; no yeast, bread, sugar incl. fruit, dairy, red meat and limited fish because my metals are off the charts! They do not want to deal with my metals poisoning because my body isn't strong enough. I have been at this for over a year now....with no results, have not lost 1 lb and still irregular! I'm husband has been a darling through all of this. My next appointment is next week and I have sent an email to express my displeasure. They are suggesting that I need to give it more time. I don't understand why they are giving my all these protocols and supplements, hormones and so forth but not dealing with the fact that my metabolism is so slow that I can't seem absorb the good stuff or detox the bad! After a month long detox I have also not lost any weight! Not sure what to tell my doctor at this stage. Want to just give up and go back to eating normally and spending alot less money on groceries and meds, supplements etc.

    1. Frances, do not give up. I had gone through the same thing and wanted
      to give up. What i suggest is everything you are doing is
      overwhelming. You do not need to spend all that money because first of
      all it will give you more anxiety and when you are stressed out,
      nothing works. I found a good naturopath and started with basics. You
      need to alkaline your body first. I drank 4 to 5 glasses of water with
      half a lemon (now i take one whole lemon) a day for weeks and before a
      meal lunch or dinner, you buy Braggs raw apple cider vinegar and take
      one tablespoon in half a glass of water 15 minutes before a meal. Stop
      spending money for tests now. The only real thing you need to know if
      you are gluten intolerant, but even then remove gluten and dairy and
      nuts just one week or two. Keep a journal with symptoms. headaches,
      stomach pain, bloating etc...
      See where that goes. I kept the lemon and apple cider vinegar for
      good. There is a point that is about 2 years that a women in menapause
      has it bad, then if you take care it calms down. Just check your
      thyrod with your gp. No junk food. You are intoxicated also from
      stress and anxiety. Try to find ways to do things you like and relax.
      Do not think negative you will get out of this. For food now buy
      regular and you can clean off pesticides with baking soda in water for
      15 minutes. Aluminum free found in health food stores. Try to go very
      basic and simplify your life. you will get strength to move on after
      you feel a bit better. If you lived in Montreal, i would only send you
      to my naturopath.
