Sunday, November 10, 2013


One Day, I decided to question the products I was using on my skin, to realize they were all CHEMICALS! I'm eating great. I'm putting colorful food in my diet.  I'm eating as much organic as I can.  Yet I was treating my skin in the same manner. I realized how crazy that was.  There is a whole world of body and skincare, free of chemicals, I did not know about.  Remember, toxins make you tired.

As we age, we accumulate more toxins in our bodies.  It is much harder to get them out of our bodies, if we don't do anything about it.  You end up feeling tired all the time, (which was my case exactly).  Add up all the wrong foods and your body ends up not able to fight it off.

In the past, doctors, did not understand this.  Now, more and more doctors (especially the younger generation of them) are open to it.  My doctor is fantastic. He will listen to you and go along with alternative medicine if he sees it works.  You need to ask questions and not keep quiet anymore.

Now, lets get back to skincare.  I loved skincare and make-up all my life.  I don't even want to think about all the chemicals I put on my skin, everyday.  Now, I have skincare and make-up, free of toxins and chemicals.  You have to take the time to read and look at all labels. Some make-up companies may say they are natural, but to be certain they are it is important to do your research.

Tau in Dollard has the best skin-care and make-up section, toxic free and made with oils like sunflower seed, beeswax and willow bark. (See below for their address) The sales girl I love to deal with is Chantal and she can help you find whatever you need. She is very knowledgeable and knows her stuff. (See below for her schedule) It’s definitely worth it to take an afternoon and go have look.  Bring your conventional make-up and match it with what they have.  You do not need to buy much.  You can also buy one piece at a time and slowly change all of you makeup. They way I see it, you will be buying new makeup eventually, why not buy make-up that is actually good for you and will not disrupt your hormones and immune system!  The money women spend on beauty is never ending.  Do something good for yourself and look good while you're at it.

My favourite lines are Lagoona (eye shadows and powder) Zuii (lipsticks are made from flowers sent) Zorah (BB cream is fantastic before foundation or alone) Suki (which has a great concealer with willow bark) and Suzanne Somers’ skin-care and make-up line which are certified toxic free with amazing ingredients that feed your skin. (You can check out Another great website is  If you need extra guidance, there is a great book, called Eccoholic Body by Adria Vasil and she rates make-up as well as skin-care and gives you a comparison between natural and conventional brands.  You will be shocked to see what’s going on your face.  She takes the guesswork out of finding labels on products that are properly certified. Another website gives you a list of the main 15 ingredients found in your cosmetics and skin-care and one more site (then click on pocket guide) for the dirty dozen ingredients you use everyday.

Cheers to a future where aging can be fun and your body will love you.

Tau: Dollard – Des – Ormeaux 
2335 TransCanada,
Point-Claire, H9R 5Z5
Phone:  (514) 695-0828

Chantal's Schedule
Tuesday to Friday 11:00 AM - 6:30 PM
Saturday 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM